Saturday, August 21, 2010

Clothes Lines

As an adult I actually miss hanging a laundry outside on a  back yard clothes-line and watching the gentle winds fan the wet right out of the cloth.  Since mother was in a wheelchair it became my duty, trained by my father, to hang the wash on the lower than normal lines and bring in the basket of dry items along with the carefully gathered wood clothes-pins.  It was important to shake the wet item as smooth as possible before clipping the strategic points to the wire with the pins.  I should also mention the first chore was to take a clean wet rag and wipe dust off every metal line before hanging the wash.

This chore was always a stretch until I grew taller which made it easier.  Earlier I just brought in the pile of clean, dry items and mother folded.  Then she eventually watched as I folded according to her designation.  Finally, I was adept enough to fold each item as I took it from the line so my basket was quite orderly and I must say I was proud to carry in the basket for mother's approval. 

Today, with our high technology for clothes-dryers we have to add that little piece of scented paper because the dried laundry doesn't have that fresh air smell that was especially swell for bed sheets and towels.  It might have been more work hanging clothes and bringing in the basket, however it was a moment in the sunshine, good 'ol vitamin-D soaking in, that made it very special. And, I might say that families were very proud of their clean laundry neatly hung waving in the wind.

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