Friday, August 20, 2010

First Love

From the beginning boys were interesting to say the least.  Dickie lived right next door for a short while. He was meaner than sin and often chased me back home throwing rocks at my feet.  This one day I ran squealing up the steps to my front porch with Dickie fast behind me.  Just as I got inside the screen door he threw a rock that broke the window of the entry room  Mother called the police and things were quiet for a few days.  Missing the excitement I took a chance and carefully entered Dickie's back yard.  "You'd better leave or I'll pee on your foot".  Sure enough I just stood there with my dirty bare feet as he peed a warm trickle that left a white path across my foot.  I started screaming and ran for home.  He and his family finally moved away before any other incident.  I imagine he's still sitting in a prison somewhere.
By the time I reached sixth grade at Hamilton School I had fallen in love with Wayne: jet black hair, eyes black as coal, beautiful brown skin.  The only problem being that every other girl in the classroom also loved him.  We wrote him love notes (without our names of course) and it became evident that he was only interested in Norma who was already getting boobs.  Well, my heart was broken for one whole day until I began to notice there were a whole lot of other cute boys in the school who didn't care if I still didn't have boobs.  I even forgave Norma and we became good friends.

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