Saturday, August 21, 2010

Me and Music

I already mentioned that I played the trumpet.  Actually marched in Fremont Jr. High Band wearing their traditional green/white uniform.  I did have a crush on the boy in front of me that played the trombone.  The year I moved to Emerson Jr High was the time I stopped playing the trumpet deciding it was a silly instrument for a girl to play.  That was a silly idea because it was the beginning of the all-girl big-band era.  My older cousin Bob was a fine trumpet player, played forth-trumpet in Les Brown's Band and even cut his single 'High on a Windy Trumpet' which was awesome.  He gave me trumpet lessons for which I'll be ever grateful even for the few years I played. 

Early on during those formative years I had piano lessons, tap-dance and tumbling, as well as clarinet lessons.  I did participate in recitals and can still read music and that's about it.  Never considered to be a vocalist.  My father sang every morning while he fixed breakfast for mother and us kids. He sang as good as Bing Crosby.  My little sister inherited his ability to sing and she often sang duets with another girl for women's lunch-meetings and such.
However, I grew up appreciating music, loving jazz and pop songs.  Used to buy the Hit Parade magazine that had the words to every song of the day.  All that has provided me with great pleasure and great respect for hard working musicians.  I did have another crush on a young trumpet player, another of Bob's students, by the name of Stan.  When Les Brown played at the Pomona Paladium Bob gave Stan two tickets and asked him to escort me. Pretty exciting evening and Stan was a real gentleman.  However, that was the first and only date with him.  I'm sure I was much too young and immature, but it's still a night to remember.

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