Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Cats Rule

Lady Sabrina
Presently I am the proud hand-maiden to three cats, all of which have been 'adopted' and are now adored and pampered.  Of course, anyone who shares their home with a feline knows there is only one choice and that is to admit that the cat is at the top of the pecking order, even if you also have canines which I have two of, both Basset lap-dogs.
The top 'alpha' is Sabrina, a senior cat of ten years, a tortoise-shell with crossed-eyes so you're never quite sure if she's looking at you or some ghost over your shoulder.  As soon as I sit down at the computer to check my e-mail, do some serious research or writing, I can depend on Sabrina taking her position to my right, nestled close to my PC screen.  And, always within paw's reach of my hand in case she feels the need for some personal attention.  Right now she's cat-napping since I did take my usual time-out to play 'bat-the-catnip-mouse' that hangs by a sturdy string close by.  Sabrina had been kept in a small cage much of her life and since adopted she makes sure she takes advantage of every available space.
The other two cats are males.  Larry, now six,  was just a  kitten  when my son found him at a cat rescue.  At that time Sabrina had already taken over his apartment and she wasn't too happy to be expected to put up with a kitten that required so much of his attention.  Larry soon grew into a very handsome dude, a Siamese guy with markings as if wearing a cut-a-way chocolate-brown coat, white vest, brown cap, white gloves and spats. Sabrina soon made it clear that he had to stay at the second level of the apartment, which meant traveling from room to room atop bookcases, folding screen tops, furniture backs and finally lying atop his television.  Larry amused himself, during evenings, leaning over the TV screen swiping at the moving images.  Although he now outweighs Sabrina, he still is considered below her status, however is allowed to share the same level. 
With my son being a bachelor and my husband having passed away two years ago, we now share my over-size home along with the cats and dogs.  Our latest addition to the feline community, is a Maine Coon named Chester (I added:  'Sir Chester' that suits him well) who vies with Larry for second place on a daily basis.  Often, one or the other takes their place on the left side of my computer.  At this moment, they are both content to be off in separate bedrooms playing King of the Moment no doubt.  
Sir Chester
Just now, Sabrina has turned completely around with her tail in my direction and her head tucked into the dark corner behind the computer.  She must be completely secure in the knowledge that for the moment she doesn't have to confront the other two cats which she now and then puts in their place with a 'hisss' and a paw smack.  I should mention that all three cats had been declawed  before we adopted them.  It seemed such a sad thing to have happened.  However, we find that they can pack a punch without claws and use their paws like hands.  It's almost impossible to pull an object away from one of them when they have a hold on it.
Since the cats probably would need their claws for ultimate protection, we do keep them in the house which is fine with them.  Just open a screened window and they nap there on a sunny day happy as can be. Open a door to the outside and they're not even interested.
It's interesting that cats soon establish a 'time share' for space available.  This may be a time to lie on a bed, or the desk top, or a favorite chair.  The multi-cat sand box is probably the most important time share space and this never seems to propose a problem what soever.  Although, I do notice that they form some sort of waiting line nearby when I clean the cat box each morning.  Sometimes, one apparently can't wait any longer and hops into the cleaned box before I reset the lid.  So, I have to wait a few minutes until the deed is done.
I should mention that the two Bassets have a dog-door which only means picking up outside every afternoon (except when it rains).   Basically the dogs stay on the ground or basement levels and the cats on the second level by choice, or by good sense is my guess.  Bassets do love to chase small furry critters, but they wouldn't know what to do if they caught one.  So, the cats pay little attention to the dogs.  And, I might add that Sabrina doesn't have any hesitation of smacking either dog in the nose if they approach her.  Yep, she's the alpha over the dogs as well.  Daisy Mae is a two year old and Lulu Belle is eight.  Both have great respect for Sabrina.
Of course, Bassets are noisy, love to hear their own voice. They bark at almost anyone or any critter that comes into their view from a window or through the fence. And, these two even love singing to music. They have their favorite tunes.  Lulu begins the singing, then Daisy joins in running to her side from anywhere she may have been napping prior to the chosen song.  I figure I might as well join in the howling and have decided it's good for one's soul.  The cats pay little attention.
Cats, on the other hand, are generally quite.  Even their purring is soft and sweet.  These three do not meow loud so to speak.  However, Larry is a talker.  When he is able to have my son's full attention, he puts his paws across his outstretched arm and begins telling him about every detail of what has transpired throughout his cat-day.  He expects full attention and talks louder if necessary to get across his particular point.  There's no getting around it.  Larry understands what we say and totally expects us to understand what he's saying.  Go figure.
I know there are purest dog lovers and there are purest cat lovers.  I happen to be an individual who has grown up loving all creatures great and small and feel it's an honor to be accepted by these furry friends.  Each one has a special way of making every day a reason to smile.

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